Terms and Condition

Thank you for Choosing HJP for your trade labor & equipment needs. We are excited to begin this collaboration and provide you with exceptional service. This contract agreement outlines the terms and conditions that will govern our working relationship.

1. Purpose of Agreement:

The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions that both Parties agree to abide by in their relationship.

2. Scope of Agreement:

This Agreement applies to all interactions, transactions, and services provided by the Parties, whether verbal, written, or electronic.

3. Responsibilities and Obligations:


4. Payment Terms:

a) Payment shall be made in [currency or cryptocurrency and in accordance with the agreed-upon terms:

b) Late payments may incur interest charges of .025 % after 45days

5. Confidentiality:

a) Both Parties shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding any confidential information shared during their relationship.
b) Confidential information includes but is not limited to trade secrets, customer data, financial information, and proprietary information.

6. Time bars & Change orders

a) All timeline delays will have a 5-day grace period for notification to allow HJP to assess this is in fact additional work before we submit an extension of time.
b) Change orders will have a 5-day grace period if we have been asked or think we have been asked to do additional work before we submit the change order.
c) 5day notification will give HJP adequate time to capture costs once time or change is recognized.

7.Backfilling a foundation (Code ACI 332 Standard & CFA Standard)

a) Foundation walls must be supported at the top & bottom before backfilling is placed
b) HJP will not be held responsible for damages

8. Preconditions or factors that can potentially slow down work.

a) Permitting, Weather conditions, Material availability, Labor shortages, Design Changes, Unforeseen site conditions – example – excessive rocks, ledge, water etc…. Financial or Contractual disputes, Coordination & Scheduling conflicts.
Ledge will be billed @ $300 per hr. for hammer & $250 per hr. to clear materials.

9. Financial penalty charge:

The purpose of this charge is to provide an incentive for the GC to fulfill their obligations. It serves as a recourse for actions or inactions that result in additional cost, delays, or disruptions. 5-days grace period for HJP to assess if there is a need to liquidate damages in the event of schedule disruptions caused by the contractor’s lack of preparation.

10. Termination:

a) Either Party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other Party.
b) Termination shall not relieve either Party of their obligations and liabilities incurred prior to the termination date.

11. Dispute Resolution:

Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiation and mediation in good faith. If resolution is not achieved, the dispute may be escalated to arbitration or court, as agreed upon by both Parties.

12. Exclusions:

  • Unforeseen Obstructions
  • Ledge removal
  • Transportation / Disposal of hazardous materials
  • Transportation / Disposal of unsuitable materials
  • Concrete
  • Construction Fence
  • Foundation Layout / Pinning
  • Foundation Insulation / Vapor barrier
  • Permits / impact fees, inspection fees
  • Frost protection / Winter conditions.
  • Hydroseed / landscaping / sod
  • Compaction testing / Material testing
  • SWPPP Plan
  • Guardrail / Fencing
  • Water treatment / Holding Tanks /OFF site water disposal.
  • Night work
  • Additional engineering
  • ADA Detectable plates
  • Foundation underpinning

13.To ensure fairness of terms. If legal action arises the client agrees to pay all potential attorney’s fees (assuming HJP wins)

14. Before the contract signing of a client the alignment of commercial principles & insurance requirements needs to be met.

a) We are happy to help & eager to start



Signature ____________________________________